Busy vs. Lazy

I haven’t blogged for over over a week! And it’s not for lack of anything to say. I’ve caught an extreme case of the lazies. Fortunately I think it has passed.

This last weekend my sisters and I had a craft booth at a local church festival. I brought my Framed Yo-Yo Sets, reproduction prints, and button sets, Chris had greeting card sets and Dacia makes rosaries. It was two days and even though it was predicted to be a rainy, stormy weekend, it turned out quite pleasant. The second day was extremely windy and our tent (even though it was anchored down) tried to take flight on several occasions so we finally just took it down.

I finally did another “What I Wore Today” illustration, seen above. It’s actually from a few days ago. I felt pretty rockin’ that day.

On my birthday I got a wonderful email from a woman (hey, Stacy) who had purchased one of my mini paintings from an Artomat machine. I was very excited because I had not yet heard from anyone who had bought a piece. For my last series I received several kind emails. This time around I had included a “super secret message” which I thought would draw people to my site with the lure of sumthin’ special. Instead I didn’t hear from anyone. Then I get the message from Stacy and we emailed back and forth. During the conversation she asked me if I had a correct link, because the address I included on the booklet took her to an error page. As it turns out I idiotically included the wrong address on the booklets that went out with each painting (even though I double and triple checked). Seems I posted the address with a 2008, rather than 2009 in it, since it was January and we all know how long it take to get used to using the new year. This explains a lot. Now I can tell myself that each and ever person who purchased one of my paintings tried to contact me back. Yep, I think that’s exactly what happened :D

Last Friday I had the most wonderful thing happen. I was out running errands to prepare for the craft show the next day and when I got home I found I had a sale in my etsy shop. I opened up the email to see they bought 3 items, so I continued to scroll down the email and I see a 4th item, and then a 5th AND THEN A 6th ITEM! One person had purchased 6 items from my shop! At first I thought it must have been a mistake. As it turns out Cassandra (holla!) had seen my shop before, but had lost the address. Flash forward some time and she is getting married. She is shopping on Etsy for a garter and happens across my shop again. My “you are my favorite” piece spoke to her, as it was something she and her fiancĂ© said to each other often. She purchased that piece as an addition to the grooms gift and bought the other pieces for herself as well as bridesmaid gifts. How cool is that? I felt so honored to be involved in her wedding, even if only in my small way.

So, it’s now Friday again and I’m ready to get productive. I have a to-do list ready to go! I hope you have a productive Friday as well :D


Hi, I'm Robyn and I was Hatched from a Kinder Surprise Egg. Graphic Designer by day, Maker of things by night. I have worked as a graphic artist professionally since I was 16 years old. Went on to get my Bachelors of Art from NIU. I like to share my Artwork online at flickr.com/photos/robayre and on my own personal website http://www.robayre.com. I also have an online shop http://www.robayre.etsy.com where you can find more of my "crafty" sorts of things, as well as a random piece of artwork here and there. Oh, and I'm also an occasional contributor to Artomat (artomat.org).

One thought on “Busy vs. Lazy

  1. Wow, congrats, that’s so awesome! I wish I could buy EVERYTHING in your shop but it looks like I just don’t have a good enough excuse yet. :)

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