Special Day

Ok, the special day is here, special, not only because it is the first day of fall this year but because it is my birthday! This morning I read a blog where someone said they will be celebrating not just a birthday, but a whole birthday week. I like the sound of that. Above is the description of personality of people who are born on September 22nd. A friend found it in a book at anthropologie and her jaw just dropped when she read it. Pretty acurate if I don’t say so myself.

I had to work early hours last night. While I was adjusting the pictures this afternoon I started getting so tired I decided to lay down and take a nap. While I was asleep my brother called to wish me a happy birthday and remind me that today was not only my birthday but also the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation as well as the day that Lost’s flight 815 crashed. While I napped I dreamt that I could fly as long as I really tried hard enough and as long as I carried a stick to swat away the peacocks, naturally. There you go… I am a dreamer with a vivid imagination.

So, in honor of my birthday, I have decided to have my very first giveaway on this blog. This weekend I have been putting together more paper packs to add to my shop and I created one extra to give to a random reader. So the idea is, just leave a comment right here on this post sharing your favorite thing about autumn. Hopefully I’ll have more than three comments, lol. On Wednesday evening, let’s say 6 p.m. CST, I will return and select one random comment and that commenter will receive the prize. These paper packs are very cool this time around. Each pack contains over 100 paper, ribbon, and sticker randomosities. Each pack has pieces 6 x 6.5 inches in size all the way down to 1 x1 inch in size. Here is a link to the sold paper packs from last time and the glowing feedback left by buyers.

Woah, as I was composing this post I just got an email from Fred Flare and in the email it says “The Randomosity of dreams”. Weird. 1. I named my paper packs “Paper kit of Randomosity” and I thought I had just made up that word earlier today. In fact I asked matt if I was spelling it correctly and he said “I don’t know because IT’S.NOT.A.REAL.WORD”, but Fred Flare would probably disagree, and then 2.There was just all this talk of dreams above. I’m spooked. It’s like somebody has been watching me.


Hi, I'm Robyn and I was Hatched from a Kinder Surprise Egg. Graphic Designer by day, Maker of things by night. I have worked as a graphic artist professionally since I was 16 years old. Went on to get my Bachelors of Art from NIU. I like to share my Artwork online at flickr.com/photos/robayre and on my own personal website http://www.robayre.com. I also have an online shop http://www.robayre.etsy.com where you can find more of my "crafty" sorts of things, as well as a random piece of artwork here and there. Oh, and I'm also an occasional contributor to Artomat (artomat.org).

20 thoughts on “Special Day

  1. Happy Birthday! Love the description and the spooky coincidences.

    Hope your day was great and your year is also wonderful.

    Re: Autumn- I love the smell of Autumn. I love the dry crackle of leaves and the giggles of little ones jumping in piles. I am an elementary teacher and I love the smell of new boxes of crayons and freshly waxed floors.

  2. hello! happy birthday! I would love to win the paper…i have a bit of an obsession with paper as I keep buying various paper that I find and I have a growing collection of it…so it would totally just make my day to win! :)

    as for my favorite thing about autumn…i love when the weather cools down a little bit, and you can wear a favorite sweater and go for a walk in the forest, look at all of the pretty trees and the colored leaves…I find that there is just an indescribable feeling in the air, it’s almost as though it just smells so fresh outside! the autumn is definitely my favorite season, the perfect temperature of weather, although it never lasts long enough!

    hope you’re having a wonderful birthday! i’m going to bookmark your blog, btw, so i can keep coming back! mine is here if you’re interested: http://lostmittenblog.blogspot.com :)

  3. my favorite thing about autumn is going on roadtrips to look at the changing leaves on the trees…especially with my bestist friend in the whole wide world. and this autumn is so spectactacular because we get to drive all the way from cornville to colorado and back…driving as fast as we can on the way back so we can VOTE BARACK OBAMA THE NEXT PRESIDENT. ok, enough preaching.

    another fond memory of autumn…odd, this one also includes my bestist friend of 25 years robayre…almost every year we go to the Pumpkin Parade in Sycamore. and to the confectionary, of course. can’t see a parade without sweets, can you???

    but i went through the entire day at work, the busiest i have been in a long time, and came home to find out i forgot my best friends birthday and i am outing this fact to the entire world—I AM A HORRIBLE BEST FRIEND!!! i am so sorry robyn! it is a good thing that i showed you in that book that you were “loving” and “gentle”, so i hope you don’t kill me:)

    but don’t worry, you no longer “make elaborate plans that you never carry out”– it took us 13 years, but we are finally going on the road trip!

  4. hello there robayre, I am just some random reader who randomly stumbled upon your blog, I love autumn because of its awesomosity and coolsiness, the fabuloso weather and chido falling of the leaves.

    That paper giveaway looks fantastic! do I want it? OF COURSE I DO! Pick me, oh karma! pick me, random.org, pick meeee! I would cherish it!
    “make elaborate plans that you never carry out” ?? I believe you have a few plans all carried out under your belt! If you are imaginative it would be impossible to carry out EVERY plan you imagine!
    Love ya R. I hope your b-day was wonderful!

  5. My favorite thing about autumn are the leaves changing colors. I like to take walks and push my feet through loads of fallen leaves on the ground.
    Unfortunately, we don’t have that here in California. Here I just like the cooler weather, especially cool nights and that sometimes plants flower again as if it was spring.

  6. Happy happy birthday Robyn! We will have to get together soon to celebrate birthdays and babies and visit with Jen while she’s here.

  7. If we all did everything we were capable of doing we’d literally astound ourselves. Thomas Edison Happy Belated Birthday! I love the colors & smells of fall and making meals like pot roast which I will be starting this autumn’s first one in about an hour. I love taking walks in the fall and seeing everyone’s pumpkin displays. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because everyone is always so happy to be together cooking and playing scrabble and eating Jack Daniel chocolate chip pecan pie that we only make once a year. It’s a very relaxing weekend as we are not shoppers. And you can build a fire if you have a fireplace. ox joon ps. random number please look favorably upon me.

  8. HaPpY BIrthDAy!

    Mine is the first day of spring.

    I love autumn because it is cool (as in not hot), Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because there are no expectations other than to enjoy each other’s company, and because I live in the NorthEast which is spectacular in the fall.

    {I don’t need any more paper, but enjoyed your post.}

  9. Autumn: thick socks, long scarves, hot sweet drinks, pumpkin anything, the beginning of the end before the next beginning (always a nice place to be).

    How cool are you that you give things away on your birthday? No wonder you are popular with everyone.

  10. For me, it’s Halloween. I love everything about it! And I can stock up on cool supplies to use all year. I also like being able to wear a hoodie again with the colder weather. Go Autumn!

    P.S. Your paper packs look super cute! I hope I get a closer look!

  11. Happy Birthday!! How great for you to be giving a gift on your special day!! Hope you get many in return.
    I’m in Florida so we don’t really have much of a fall. I do love Halloween though so I guess some of my favorite things is to see all the Halloween decorations going up and the pumpkins out and about.

  12. Honey, you know how much I love your paper packs. I’m probably going to buy another one, because, well, I love them.

    Favorite thing about fall:

    You go to bed one night, and it’s still summer. Crickets are chirping, and it’s still relatively warm outside. When you wake up the next day…all the sudden, it’s fall. It’s as if all of the leaves started changing colors overnight. Instantly, the air is cooler and crisper and you start needing a sweater in the evenings. If you catch it on a windy day, all of the leaves blow down around you….it’s like magic.

  13. Happy Birthday from one September girl to another. Tomorrow is my big day. I am proud to be turning 52. Every since I hit 50, I have felt that I have finally became the “real” ME !
    I loved your book cover postcard thingy. This would combine 2 of my favorite things, books and post cards!

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