Poor-poor neglected blog.

The inspiration never ceases, and instead of sharing, my inbox has begun to swell with messages to myself and links to pass on. It’s too much, and would overwhelm anyone, in one post alone, so I will attempt to share bit by bit.

On lope’s journal she posted a video of Danny Gregory’s about his new book.  It is a book collecting a variety of artist’s sketchbook pages. In his words: “I’ve been looking for this book as a boy… and because I never found it, I had to make it myself.” That’s funny because it is exactly the book I was looking for as well. Ever since college I’ve kept a sketchbook, often times it’s filled with more writing of concepts, ideas and loose sketches. I was looking for a book that would show me how other people fill their sketchbooks when I purchased the book “Artist Journals and Sketchbooks” online. If you’ve ever seen the book Artist’s Journals and Sketchbooks, you will understand that it is not about sketchbooks in the sense that I was looking for. In fact, I was so disappointed that I put the book away on a shelf for a long time before rediscovering it and enjoying it for what it was, a technique book for creating books as an art. Once I did discover it, it really helped open up my world to all sorts of new art procedures. So, it is years later and now here is that book that I think I might be looking for again. Will it be what I hoped for? Or maybe different than what I thought, but just as important again.


Hi, I'm Robyn and I was Hatched from a Kinder Surprise Egg. Graphic Designer by day, Maker of things by night. I have worked as a graphic artist professionally since I was 16 years old. Went on to get my Bachelors of Art from NIU. I like to share my Artwork online at flickr.com/photos/robayre and on my own personal website http://www.robayre.com. I also have an online shop http://www.robayre.etsy.com where you can find more of my "crafty" sorts of things, as well as a random piece of artwork here and there. Oh, and I'm also an occasional contributor to Artomat (artomat.org).

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