Weekend in Instagram Photos

I think this last weekend was the last unofficial weekend of summer. Actually, the weekend started out like summer and ended like fall.

Been up since 12am. Thankfully I slept for four hrs right before.

I took this picture this morning. I had work overnight last night :( and was freezing and wearing two hats.

But on Friday my sister, sister in law, nephew and I went to the Indian Dunes.

It was perfect weather for the beach too. Hot. The sand felt like it was on fire and we were humored by my nephew who was afraid to step off the beach blanket and burn his feet. This was fine because then he snuggled up on our laps.
Toes in sand and surf
I dipped my baby toes in the water. Matt laughed when he saw this picture, all my friends make fun of my stumpy “baby toes”.

Lake Michigan
It was my nephew’s first trip to the dunes, other than when his mother was newly expecting him :)
Reading at the beach
I got to do a little reading on the beach.

Saturday my sister and I went to Naperville’s Last Fling. I have fond memories seeing bands perform at the Carillon park and have been wanting to go back for a couple years. I had this vision of how it was going to be. It’s a late summer evening, so it would be cool enough to wear a sweater, blankets covering the sloping park towards the stage,  and I was thrilled to find out that the Gin Blossoms, one of the first bands I ever saw live, would be performing there. Flash forward to reality and the actual day of the event.

It was raining with lightening and thunderstorms. We debated even going, but we had already bought tickets and we didn’t mind getting wet, we just didn’t want to get struck by lightening standing in an open field. I imagined that we were going to be 2 of 50 people that actually showed up but it was surprisingly packed, probably thousands of people there. Poi Dog Pondering opened up and they were a very energetic and lively act. We brought our raincoats and had to zip up a few times. It was annoying though how everyone else had the not-so-brilliant idea of bringing an umbrella and then we couldn’t see anything over them. Fortunately it cleared up enough and the umbrellas came back down.

Blue Mustang in a back yard
Sunday it got chilly, but the sun was out. Matt and I went for a walk in the morning and I took this picture of a blue mustang parked in a back yard. I love walking through alleys. Front yards are always kept so sterile and presentable, but backyards are where the real personalities comes out.
Studio getting unpacked

My sister came over and cracked the whip helped me unpack my studio some more. The walls are empty, but it’s getting there.
Story telling around the bonfire

Then in the evening I went to a bonfire at my sister in law’s parent’s house, where we worked on our story telling skills while keeping warm by the fire.
The corn was tall, the sky was blue, the clouds were white

Then on Monday (labor day) Matt and I went to a cookout at his parent’s house. Later, since it was labor day and there are always huge sales, we went shopping for a new couch. I can’t find what I want at all in stores, but I could never imagine buying something online. It’s hard enough trying to find something in the style AND color that I like, but comfort is equally important. When I’m going to spend as much as I am on a couch, you better believe the stars should align to have all three elements in one magnificent couch, or better yet, couch and love seat combo! If you have any couch buying knowledge or tips, I’d love to hear them.

All pictures were taken by me on my iphone and adjusted in instagram.


Hi, I'm Robyn and I was Hatched from a Kinder Surprise Egg. Graphic Designer by day, Maker of things by night. I have worked as a graphic artist professionally since I was 16 years old. Went on to get my Bachelors of Art from NIU. I like to share my Artwork online at flickr.com/photos/robayre and on my own personal website http://www.robayre.com. I also have an online shop http://www.robayre.etsy.com where you can find more of my "crafty" sorts of things, as well as a random piece of artwork here and there. Oh, and I'm also an occasional contributor to Artomat (artomat.org).

3 thoughts on “Weekend in Instagram Photos

  1. I love the SP!
    The sand dune pics are awesome.
    So is the Mustang pic. I think that’s my favorite.
    Looks like you had a wonderfully busy couple of days!

  2. I really love your pics. They’re really sentimental and its almost as if instagram allows you to get that little bit more intimate with your photos!
    I really like what you ve done with the pics! Which filters if any did you use on your pics??
    I’m an instagram and statigram user. You should go onto statigram! I’m sure one of these pics would make it as photo of the day!
    They’re lovely!! :-)

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