Create, Adventure, Self Love

Last month I finished reading the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I don’t think it was until I saw the first movie trailer that I evenĀ  found out about the book. I love Julia Roberts and thought the trailer looked fabulous. I’m not really sure why I decided to read the book, but I’m guessing it was entirely to do with wanting to see the movie and being too impatient to wait. It only took me a third of the book to decide I no longer wanted to see the movie. Already I was afraid by watching the movie, my memory of the book would be tainted or destroyed. It was the kind of book that I underlined many passages in throughout.

After completing the book I was on an Elizabeth Gilbert bender and had to read and watch everything that I could about her. One interview I read described the book Eat, Pray, Love as a universal book. While I would agree that it was a “Universally acclaimed book” I wouldn’t say that it was universal in general. I don’t know many people that live a jet set lifestyle comparable to Elizabeth’s, and I know I don’t have the fortune to allow for a year off of work. And while I usually am drawn to books where I relate to the main character, I can’t say that is where my attraction to this book lied. In fact, I can’t really relate to her much at all. She’s a woman who has traveled the world with ease, a woman who has been married, divorced, and describes herself as a latcher. Instead my interest lies in the desire to grow, expand my experiences, get over my hang-ups and become a better person.

On page 29 I underlined a sentence that said “the philosopher Rumi once advised his students to write down the three things they most wanted in life.” Immediately it made me put down the book and think about what three things I wanted in life. I grabbed my sketchbook and drew out “Adventure, Create, Self-Love“.

Adventure came immediately. I thought of this pin, (above) from laurelhill on etsy, that I bought for my friend Nikki. As much as I loved it and wanted to keep it for myself, I knew that I had to give it to her because it was a perfect mantra for what we both want out of life. Next, for my second word Create. As long as I can remember I’ve had the strong drive to create, life is empty without that. Lastly, I thought Love, but more specific to me, I think that I struggle with loving myself, and not being mean and negative to myself. I truly believe that I could accomplish anything I set my heart upon, if only I’d allow or push myself to do them. Also, there is the saying “You can’t really love someone else, until you’ve learned to love yourself” and so for the last thing I want most from life, I chose Self Love.

Since then, I have often found myself repeating the new mantra in my head, in the moments after prayer and before sleep.

So, now I ask you. What are the three things you want most from life?


Hi, I'm Robyn and I was Hatched from a Kinder Surprise Egg. Graphic Designer by day, Maker of things by night. I have worked as a graphic artist professionally since I was 16 years old. Went on to get my Bachelors of Art from NIU. I like to share my Artwork online at and on my own personal website I also have an online shop where you can find more of my "crafty" sorts of things, as well as a random piece of artwork here and there. Oh, and I'm also an occasional contributor to Artomat (

6 thoughts on “Create, Adventure, Self Love

  1. I read the book in anticipation of seeing the movie but never did get to that movie! I also copied pages from the book- especially when she was in India. There were several parts that I really connected with.

    I’ll have to think on my 3.

  2. Eat Pray Love wasn’t that good, it didn’t live up to the book. Even the indian food wasn’t as delicious as I imagined them to be. But I sure would love to try Thumbs Up Cola! -Mickey Buarao

  3. I actually think so too=P I have been surfing around the web for some time this week, and its kinda hard to find something good to read on blogs=] Maybe its because there are too much of those around =) But your site actually keeps catching my attention=P Great posts, and kawai design ^__^. Ill be sure to give it more time now =]

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