20 things

I stole this “20 things” post from Ms. Kara and I changed the last question. Feel free to play along and let me know if you do.

1. Show us the inside of something cute-

Inside bishop’s mouth. It took me three days to get this blurry mess, but here it is – inside something cute.

2. What’s the last home cooking you had?
I made chicken and dumplings in the crock pot. I just throw in chicken broth, chicken, plenty of veggies (carrots, potato, broccoli, celery, onion) and let it cook on high till it boils, then drop in dollops of dumpling dough (I just use bisquick), cook another 10 minutes or so until they rise and poof up. Voila!

3. What do you miss?
I was actually thinking the other day about the kids in the nursery (from my old weekend job) and how I miss having little kids in my life. As I was telling Rosa the other day, they see you and come running with open arms. Fortunately, my brother and sister-in-law, Dacia are expecting and I can’t wait to be an Aunt. I’m going to be “Uncle Art”, my sister is “Uncle Moneybags”, lol. Kids are fun. Kids that belong to other people, even better, lol.

4. What makes you laugh?

5. What’s your favorite word?
hmmm, not sure if I have a favorite word but “Duh” definitely has a place in my daily vocabulary. It could be worse, I could be saying “Big Duh!”

6. What are you trying to quit?
Laziness. I want it cut from my life.

7. What’s your favorite commercial right now?
Jack LaLanne’s juicer. I want to be a juicer.

8. Whose style do you dig?

The new antiquarians, of course!

9. Link to a great blog you’ve discovered lately…

10. What’s the last craft you made?

11. A photo of the last happy mail you got :]

This is hands down the coolest mail I have received lately. It’s a letter from someone who purchased a painting of mine through an Artomat machine. She wrote me back in my own super secret code. How cool is that?


12. Something you’ve gotten lately?

a new flat panel monitor (my first!) and a new webcam in which to skype!

13. What are you looking forward to?

14. Post a recent snapshot of yourself.

This is the last snap shot I have of myself from a couple weeks ago.
Our friends Tom and Nikki (on the right) invited us (me and matt on the left) to NIU’s homecoming game.

15. Recent Favorite Movie?
I can’t think of a recent favorite (something I liked enough to buy and watch over and over) but I did go see “Where the Wild Things Are” yesterday and I liked it very much. I felt it really captured certain feelings from childhood. Now I want to build forts and dress up in a monster costume.

16. Something you’re working on right now?

I designed new stationery for my recycled envelope/stationery sets and I’m pretty excited.

17. If a movie were made about you, who would play you?
I would of course. It would be a documentary. I asked matt who he thinks would play me in a movie and he said Drew Barrymore. He only said that because he knows I like her AND because he’s obsessed with trying to convince me she has a crooked smile.

18. What gives you goosebumps?

19. Share a new obsession.
3 weeks ago would have been crocheting big scarves, then two weeks ago it would have been playing bejeweled blitz and farmville on facebook, then a week ago it would have been knitting meathead hats but now I am obsession-free and feeling kind of lost. I thrive on obsessions and I currently find myself without one. What will it be next, what will it be?

20. Something that made you happy recently.

My sister and I went to see Rhett Miller on Friday night. Something that makes me happy is this arm move he does here. Sorry the picture is bad and the sound is atrocious. He’s singing Barrier Reef.


Hi, I'm Robyn and I was Hatched from a Kinder Surprise Egg. Graphic Designer by day, Maker of things by night. I have worked as a graphic artist professionally since I was 16 years old. Went on to get my Bachelors of Art from NIU. I like to share my Artwork online at flickr.com/photos/robayre and on my own personal website http://www.robayre.com. I also have an online shop http://www.robayre.etsy.com where you can find more of my "crafty" sorts of things, as well as a random piece of artwork here and there. Oh, and I'm also an occasional contributor to Artomat (artomat.org).

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